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Spotlight on Yoni Gesserman (FYHS '00)

Josh Kanter

Graduating Year: 2000

Current Location: Brooklyn, NY

Profession: I’m an Accountant working in tax and before that, had the privilege of learning in Lakewood for 8 years.

Tell us a little bit about your family: 

I’m married to Adina with 5 kids.

What is your favorite memory/(memories) from FYHS/HTC/Kayitz:

The Yeshiva gave me a strong foundation of learning Torah, enjoying it, and making time for it. I also made strong connections with Rebbeim. It allowed me to remain connected to a strong learning environment, even when I left the walls of the beis midrash. I’m still in touch with a number of the rebbeim such as Rabbi Kaminetzky. Rabbi Weiss is in the same retirement community as my parents in Lakewood. I still speak to Rabbi Schuman. I actually just showed my kids the Purim shpiel from my senior year. I still sing with my kids Mashiv Haruach U'Morid HaGeshem 100 times on Shmini Atzeres just like we did in the Yeshiva!

Please share a lesson/takeaway from your time at FYHS/HTC/Kayitz:

The Yeshiva plays a unique role in taking talmidim from many backgrounds and giving them a strong learning foundation. It doesn't matter where a person is coming from as long as they are all going to the same place. Setting the students up for a future life as Ben Torah.

Advice for current students:

My advice would be to develop meaningful relationships with Rebbeim. They help you stay true to your ideals when you leave the beis midrash to stay committed and connected.

Anything else to share?

I see the value in staying connected to the Yeshiva so the Rebbeim can see their investments into us have paid off all these years later.


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