Graduating Year: 2002
Current Location: Plainview, NY
Profession: I'm a trial lawyer and co-managing partner at Nathan & Kamionski LLP. We litigate cases around the country from offices in Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, and Long Island. Some people may be surprised to learn that I train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu but it’s similar to the Chess match that happens in court. I’m also the proud Vice President of my shul, Young Israel of Plainview.
Tell us a little bit about your family:
I’m married to Stephanie and have three boys - Naftali (16), Shmuel (12), and Yoni (10).
What is your favorite memory/(memories) from FYHS/HTC/Kayitz:
Rabbi Twerski was Skokie Yeshiva for me. He was exactly what I needed for that time in my life. He is pure, honest, and famously brilliant. He represented authentic Judaism to me as a teen, young adult, and today. On our first day he said to the class, “I’ll be your Rebbe if you’ll be a Talmid.” That challenge changed my life. I’m forever grateful for my time learning from him.
Please share a lesson/takeaway from your time at FYHS/HTC/Kayitz:
I loved how they allowed you to be yourself and not push you to be something else. As I Look back at the Rabbis at the Yeshiva I realize just how genuine the hanhala was and how lucky I was to benefit from their sincerity and devotion. I have a lot of hakarat hatov to the Yeshiva for everything they did for me.
Advice for Current Students:
Embrace your relationships with peers and rabbeim today and at all times; they carry you through the rest of your life.