Where do you live:
I live in Beit Shemesh
Tell us about your family:
I am married with a two and a half year old daughter and one year old son
Occupation (outside of the army):
I am in Kollel in Yeshivat Lev Hatorah and a night rebbi in Yeshivat Reishit
Where are you serving in the IDF and in which Unit:
On the border with Lebanon in Chativa 6 in miluim
What gives you chizuk during your army service:
Feeling the unity of klal yisrael and the knowledge that if we don’t do this, there’s really no one else to. במקום שאין אדם השתדל להיות איש!
Share a few fond memories of your time at the Yeshiva:
Singing at Shabbos meals. Learning in the Beis Midrash on Friday night. Purim party in the dorm lounge.