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Spotlight on Chaim Goldberg (FYHS '11)

Tehilla Kanter

Where do you live:

I live in Yerushalayim.

Tell us about your family:

I am married to Ronit and have 3 kids (Aharon, David, Miriam).

Occupation (outside of the army):

I am a Seminary teacher, psychologist, and journalist.

Where are you serving in the IDF and in which Unit:

I'm currently serving in Milui'im in the Rabbanut and as a קב"ן (army psychologist).

What gives you chizuk during your army service:

Chazal, the Rambam, and being a part of Am Yisrael in such a deep way.

Share a few fond memories of your time at the Yeshiva:

Some good memories are Ramzag hanging Haman and jumping off the dining room roof during a blizzard :)

Anything else you want share? 

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