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Rabbi Joshua Zisook

Preparing Bnei Torah For Life

Updated: Apr 12, 2022

The 2021-22 / 5782 school year started off with a bang! The excitement of Limud HaTorah in the Beis Midrash, coupled with the sounds of students learning in their general studies classes, is palpable as you walk down the halls. We’re so excited to welcome students from Chicago, Skokie, Lincolnwood, Northbrook and from across North America and Israel: Atlanta, Calgary, Charleston, Houston, Memphis, New Haven, Ramat Bet Shemesh, St. Louis, St. Paul, Phoenix and Winnipeg.

Our mission is unique, and our charge is clear: FYHS is preparing bnei Torah for life with dedication to Limud HaTorah, a strong focus on academics, and infused with ruach and achdus. We have built a love of yiddishkeit for nearly a century and look forward to fostering growth for years to come.

We are proud to share how FYHS is inspiring growth in all these areas!

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