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Tehilla Kanter

Israel Centennial Reunion Melave Malka Draws Over 300 Alumni

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On Motzei Shabbos, February 11th, HTC held it’s Israel Centennial Reunion Melave Malka at the Jerusalem Great Synagogue. Over 300 alumni traveled from all over Israel to reconnect and celebrate 100 years of HTC!

Alumni spanning many decades gathered at a truly magical evening to reconnect with old friends, rebbeim, and administrators. The evening brought smiles, selfies, and many hugs to alumni who haven’t seen each other in years. Attendees enjoyed a delicious buffet, had an opportunity to write a letter in our Centennial Sefer Torah, and a chance to be featured on The Yeshiva Show, which was recording live in the foyer.

The evening’s program began with Rabbi Shmuel L. Schuman, CEO of HTC who welcomed the crowd and introduced Rabbi Dr. Berel Wein, HTC’s illustrious alumnus (1956), who spoke about the significance of HTC as the institution that planted and fertilized the seeds of Torah in Chicago when it was not popular, leading to unbelievable growth in yiddishkeit in the city later in the 20th century. Following the HTC100 video presentation, Rabbi Avraham Friedman, Rosh HaYeshiva Emeritus shared divrei bracha and discussed the great rebbeim in the history of the Yeshiva, followed by remarks by Dr. Alan Kadish, President of Touro University. Towards the end of the evening, Rav Shlomo Katz continued the energy with a leibedik kumzitz and dancing.

At the end of the evening, attendees left with a sense of renewed connection with our Yeshiva and enjoyed special HTC gifts, including HTC’s Sukkos Rosh HaYeshiva ZT”L poster; Rabbi Avraham Friedman’s newest book, Rebbe West, Rebbe East; Yeshiva Show hats; HTC cookies; and more importantly, a Romanian salami treat from Chicago.

As announced during the event, as part of HTC's Centennial Campaign, HTC is writing a Centennial Sefer Torah that will be given to the Yeshiva by alumni and friends in honor of our Rosh HaYeshiva Emeritus, Rabbi Avraham and Rebbetzin Tamar Friedman. We encourage and invite all alumni worldwide to participate and help sponsor at any level. If you have any difficulty making a gift online with an international credit card, please contact Avery Amster at or 847.982.2500 x1130 to process manually.

We look forward to staying connected to our alumni in Israel and worldwide! Thank you for being part of HTC’s historic celebration!

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