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Tehilla Kanter

Chizuk in our Yeshiva and in the Community Before the Yamim Noraim

Updated: Oct 24, 2022

In preparation for the Yamim Noraim, FYHS students and the Chicagoland community had the privilege of hearing from many well known speakers. The FYHS students heard from Rebbeim like Rabbi Meyer Maryles, Rabbi Ari Scher, Rabbi Shay Shachter, and Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt, while the community was invited to hear from dynamic HTC and FYHS Rebbeim on our annual Shabbos of Chizuk. Please read below to hear about our speakers and these events.

Rabbi Meyer Maryles, FYHS '88

In late September, our talmidim were zoche to hear words in inspiration from Rabbi Meyer Maryles, FYHS Alumnus (1988) and Maggid Shiur in Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim. Rabbi Maryles, uncle of current FYHS seniors, Humi Kirshner and Noam Greenland, spoke about the sweetness of learning Torah and how at one time he was also sitting in the same seats as a bochur in our high school.

Rabbi Ari Scher

FYHS was privileged to welcome Rabbi Ari Scher, Director of Prevention and Enrichment at Upward Community, who spoke to our students before Selichos on motzai shabbos. The boys enjoyed a beautiful Melava Malka and kumzitz followed by a meaningful Selichos.

Rabbi Shay Shachter

During the Aseres Yimei Teshuva, the FYHS Talmidim had the opportunity to hear from Rabbi Shay Shachter, son of Rabbi Hershel Shachter, YU Rosh Yeshiva. Rabbi Schachter currently serves as Rabbi and Rosh Beit Midrash at the Young Israel of Woodmere and is also the Rabbi and spiritual leader of Yachad.

Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt

Before the Yamim Noraim, FYHS students were joined by Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt, author of Think Big, and son in law of Rabbi Akiva Tatz. Rabbi Halberstadt spoke to our boys and gave them chizuk leading up to the holidays.

Shabbos of Chizuk

On Shabbos Parashas Netzvaim, HTC hosted the Rabbi Zvi Menachem Teller, z”l, Shabbos of Chizuk. This annual event is dedicated in memory of Rabbi Zvi Menachem Teller, who was a dedicated Rebbe in the Yeshiva for 31 years.

Throughout Shabbos, dynamic HTC and FYHS Rebbeim gave shiurim in shuls across ChicagoLand, spreading inspiration and chizuk.

During shalosh seudos, the following shiurim were given. Rabbi Avraham Friedman spoke at Khal Chasidim; Rabbi Yaakov Sussman at Agudath Israel of West Rogers Park; Rabbi Chaim Twerski spoke at Bais Chaim Dovid; Rabbi Zvi Zimmerman at Congregation Or Torah; Rabbi Shmuel Schuman at Congregation KINS Main; Rabbi Yosef Polstein at Ohel Tefillah; and Rabbi Ephraim Goldman at Shaarei Tzedek Mishkan Yair.

Additionally, Rabbi Moshe Revah delivered a shiur at Beis Medrash Mikor HaChaim, on “Simanim of Rosh Hashanah,” at 5:30 p.m.; Rabbi Ben-Zion Rand delivered a shiur for women at Congregation Adas Yeshurun at 5:15 p,m.

On Shabbos Shuvah, Rabbi Binyamin Olstein delivered a Shabbos Shuvah drashah at Congregation Yehuda Moshe.

"HTC's Shabbos of Chizuk partners with so many shuls in our community and allows our yeshiva to inspire so many people during the yamim noraim," said Rabbi Joshua Zisook, program coordinator. "This Shabbos was dedicated in memory of Rabbi Teller Z"L because he was a constant voice of encouragement and a role model of piety and middos tovos. May the chizuk and Torah learned serve as an aliya for Rabbi Teller's neshama and a zechus for his family and our community."

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